Tuesday, July 9, 2013


On the 4th of July, Caleb Moore asked Emily to be his wife, and she said yes!! (of course :D) So, SO excited for them. It was awesome for me to be able to be there (from a distance :) when he proposed and to be able to take their engagement pictures.

 ~They're so adorable together :)

 ~The gorgeous ring! Really happy with how this pic turned out

And what a coincidence we found black and white sand dollars :) 

Congrats Em and Caleb, love you guys to pieces!


  1. Love you sooo much too, Em!!!!! Cute with the sand dollars! :-P

  2. I'm so excited for them!!! Great pictures, Ali!

  3. AWESOME job Ali! Thanks so much for the beautiful pictures sweet heart!

    Black and White sand dollars!!! we were so happy to find those...hehehe
    Love you back miss Laura, you're next darling! :D

  4. Love the sand dollars! Love the people even more! You MUST incorporate the sand dollars into the wedding. Call if you would like help. Great pictures Ali!!!

    Mrs. Weese "Bam"

  5. How exciting!!! Love the pictures!

  6. I FREAKED out when Pastor Steve announced it in service... Oh my word sooo excited for you two cuties. Love your eye Ali, amazing job! :D
